All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Time for home

We had a leisurely drive home today in the glorious sunshine. First stop was Annick Treehouse. Ethan was last there as a toddler and it poured with rain that day. He has no recollection of it though.

Then Dunstanburgh Castle. Hubbie & Ethan weren’t fussed about going in. I hadn’t realised how far it was to walk from the car park. We had no mobile phone signal so had to communicate with Hubbie via walkie talkies. I’d forgotten to bring our new Historic Scotland membership cards with us, which also give free entry into English Heritage buildings. The staff took pity on me after my long, hot trek though and let me in for free anyway. While I was wandering round, Hubbie & Ethan had changed their minds and turned up at the Castle too! Glad they did as it was a gorgeous and enjoyable walk there and back.

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