Double Trouble

By HannahSpanner

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Sorry for the lack of blips going back to work after being "ill" took its toll on me! It's been super busy.
Also this I've had a bad week this week. My lovely friend Michelle (who did my amazing wedding hair) had her little girl last week by emergency c section. Sophia was distressed and poo'd whilst still inside. She was rushed to scbu due to the long damage, they then found she had a heart defect. The heart defect had not been picked up on any if Michelle's scans and considering it was a big defect (a ventricle was not formed properly) it prob should have been!
Sadly Michelle and her partner James decided it would be best to turn off Sophia's life support machines. She passed away in Michelle's arms on Monday.

I have not been in the best frame of mind to blip this week as a result.

The funeral is Thursday no black just bright colours it will be a celebration of her too short life, I will not be going given what has happened I think it might be too much for me.

I will light a candle for Sophia and Algernon instead. Sleep tight little ones.

On a more Christmassy note started my mini Christmas cakes today.
Simmer and stir recipe from BBC good food lets hope everyone likes it just waiting for Mr L to pick up the brandy from his mothers.

Fingers crossed for a better week next week!

Oh and I'm bloody sick of this weather!!!!!

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