Carl with a C

Not with a K, that would be just weird.

The Anfield Home Tour - part of the 2 Up 2 Down project as part of the Biennial. This tour has been a huge success for the Biennial and just about every time it's been done, it has sold out. It finishes at Mitchell's Bakery for tea and cake, but before we get there we're taken on a tour of the Housing regeneration programme in Anfield. You know the one, where perfectly good houses are demolished to make way for not as good ones. Except lots of the demolition now won't happen because the money has dried up. Mitchells, a family run bakery for 100 years, was caught up in the madness and closed in 2010 because no-one in their right mind was going to buy a business that was soon to be knocked down.

One of the voices we heard on the tour was that of Jayne Lawless whose house has been blighted and is now covered in metal shutters. She has long since left Anfield, but has created a great sculpture / installation thing using the same metal as forms the shutters on the blighted houses.

The picture is our tour guide, Carl Ainsworth* - "I know where I'm going" - standing outside his house, reciting a poem written by his father.

* Actor, Graham Hicks

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