Double Shot Mummy


A messy day

It was quite a challenging day today as the twins seemed to need constant entertaining otherwise the grizzle would commence.

Bailee and Oscar are really enjoying their art, so I thought it could be a good distraction. Today's project was painting and decorating caterpillars. Bailee was quite proud of hers but Oscar was intent on making his caterpillar bungee jump off the table!

We went to the park twice today. In the afternoon Oscar wanted to take his bike and helmet and Bailee her faithful "In The Night Garden' ride-on, so we rode down. OScar is getting quite confident and fast on his balance bike. It is funny how Bailee isn't too interested...... I think partly because she thinks it is Oscar's. Bailee did really well walking/riding all the way today. She used up a lot of energy, and was more than ready for bed when the time came.

Oscar took ages to go to sleep tonight. We ended up bringing him out on the couch for cuddles. Hope he is back to his cheerful self tomorrow!

I keep forgetting to mention we moved them out of their gro bags two days ago. I feel like there have been so many changes lately (Move, baby, two apartments, dummy, big beds and now no sleeping bags)... but it had to be done. They seem to be happy enough to be tucked in and snuggle up under their duvets.

Maple has been dribbling like crazy.... I have had to pull the bibs out (Was hoping to avoid them all together this time!) The past two nights she has woken more than ever (3-4 times between 730pm and 630am). Still, I count my blessings as she really is an excellent sleeper in general..... Hoping she doesn't get teeth coming through too soon! Whenever she gets a bit unsettled, I take her out to our 9th floor balcony to watch the cars go past. She loves this and falls asleep after a few minutes; it must tire her out watching all the goings on!

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