
The day started with the cat eating one of my hair bands - I'm really not sure at what point this seemed like a good idea to him.  Suffice to say, he was banished outside for the day, in case it had a bad effect on his tummy (no cat flap). 

Then on the way to work  / nursery, the eldest proclaimed - at 7.45 on a very busy Monday morning A1, that he had a raisin up his nose (they were eating raisins in the car.  I had similar thoughts about this as I had about the cat and the hair band. 

The risk of loosing a days nursery fees and a day at work that would have to be taken as holiday, I sent the boys to nursery and I went to work.  My guilt did mean I called 111 about the raisin up the nose, they told me it needed immediate attention.  I interpreted this as pick the boys up after lunch and take the eldest into A&E.  Prognosis, no raisin could be seen.  

Home late afternoon with two boys who were fast asleep - after the sofa, I put them into their beds and decided to run the gauntlet and hope they would stay asleep.  Which would explain why at 9.30 at night, they are both wide awake and I'm wondering when on earth they will go to sleep. 

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