Autumn in Paris 1

Shot at the Jardin de Luxembourg.  The extra shows the reason I went to Paris.  The trip is only for 3 days but they will be packed.

Drove to Tilburg at 05.00 to catch the tour bus to Paris.  After Tilburg, we had to pick up passengers at Eindhoven, Weert, Sittard, Kerkrade ('sounds like 'Kerk-rah-duh'), Heerlen, and, finally, Maastricht.  This means that the trip didn't start till 09.00.  Before Tilburg, though, the bus had already picked up passengers in the north -- Utrecht, Rotterdam, and Dordrecht.  You can guess what time those passengers had to get up!

By 15.00, we were at the by now familiar docks where the boats for the river cruise are moored.  My purpose for this 3-day break, however, was no longer the standard sights.  Instead, I wanted to see some museums, and I didn't want to wait till tomorrow, so today, I walked to the Musee de Luxembourg, situated near the palace and park of the same name, to view the Alphons Mucha exhibit, and I was not disappointed.  The walk, however, took longer than I had estimated -- a full hour!  No, I did not blame my stubby legs but just got on with it and didn't waste any time.  There was a short line outside as they didn't want the museum stuffed with visitors.  There weren't many exhibition rooms, but what was on display was more than worth it.  He was a true Bohemian and his work contributed to the popularity of La Belle Epoch.

Before the museum, though, I passed by the Church of St. Sulpice, and of course I had to go inside and have a look and take some shots.  After the museum, I thought I'd take a look at the park as well.  It was huge and I had no more time for a walk as I still had to hike back to the docks to be in time for the bus ride to the hotel.  I also wanted to have dinner before boarding the bus and that meant I had to be there an hour ahead.  A dinner for me should be a real dinner, and I believe that in Paris one should not settle for mere hamburgers and fries.  Instead of sitting at a terrace, I visited the restaurant I ate at last July, and the waiter even remembered me.  The meal was as yummy as last time, too.  There's an extra.  After that, I was precisely on time for the bus, about 100 m. away.

A rather long day but well spent.  My fellow passengers are really great, too.  The bus is a double decker, though, and I don't think there'll be much time to get to know the upper deck.  Some fab plans for tomorrow and the weather is simply beautiful.

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