Smiles - 8


When I saw the weather forecast yesterday, my heart sunk. But when I woke up this morning and realised that the weather forecast was spot on, it sunk further down... Dark, grey, cold, wet... raining all day. As usual on rainy days, it took me ages to leave the flat, and my hopes for a portrait were not really high, but there was still a bit of hope.

Now, I go to Pure Gym which has a gym in Ocean Terminal and another one in Lauriston Place, in the Quartermile. On such a dreary day, I had a better chance to get a smile in Town than in Leith, so I went to the gym furthest away from my home. Jumped off the bus at the Royal Mile and, on my way to the gym, I came across this lovely lady who was campaigning for a really good cause, against domestic violence. I had a chat with her and asked her if she would pose for me, since she had such a lovely smile, and she agreed! Her name is Shade. Thanks very much Shade! :)

After that, I went to the gym and I'm now back home catching up with other stuff. Back to work tomorrow!

Thanks very much for all your nice comments about my smiles. I hope you all had a great weekend! :)

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