I Know....
.... I'm a Princess!
Wasn't feeling too good this morning, when I went to look after the girls for a little while.
My hips felt better, but I was a bit achy.
After I left them I went home, instead of doing the shopping. A cup of tea, and a few chocolate biscuits and I felt a bit better.
I then went to look after Isabella, so that Peter could take Mia to the Drs.
She's got some medicine for her bad chest, but if she doesn't improve in 3 days, she's got to go back.
She may have a strawberry allergy. But rather than put her through the testing process, it was suggested we stop giving her any berries, for at least a year. Then try and re-introduce them and see how she goes.
I'm not feeling too bad tonight, so hopefully tomorrow, when I have the girls again, I will be alright.
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