'Long time no blip', well it was when I Blipped it
I’ve had a break from blip for a few weeks. I’ve been having more frequent migraines. I had been trying a new treatment which didn’t work and then gave me more migraines when I came off that treatment, which took a few weeks.
So, back to the doctors again so see if he can help any further.
Because of this, I haven't been able to keep up with commenting on my fellow blipper’s photos and as I’m not sure how I’ll be over the next few weeks I’ve decided to turn comments off and just blip from time to time to keep my journal up to date (well, sort of).
Once I’m feeling a bit better I’ll turn comments back on and get back to commenting myself. I will still enjoy looking at your photos from time to time though. I just want to reduce any pressure on myself at the moment, trying to fit all my activities into the days that I’m well.
Today, B and I went to a ‘Wet Felting Workshop’ which was a Christmas present from B last year. We both really enjoyed the day and was amazed at being able to produce such a good standard of work in four hours and with no previous experience, testament to the quality of the teaching. Bom's felt picture is on her blip page:
where she also explains the process.
Mine will be framed and go into our summerhouse next year, when we have finished renovating it. We have a number of seaside themed fun items to go in there with it, it’ll be a sort of ‘beach-hut’ in the garden.
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