Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj


We've had a day with highs and lows.

Set off towards Sunderland this morning, via apple drop off for Anne and Clare in the village, where we met Alice the miniature dachshund, and via Horsley to collect Mum's fleece and stick we left last week.

In Washington we went to Essential Crafts and Dainty Supplies where essential and non-essential items were purchased.

Then to cousin Eric's in Sunderland for lunch. His wife indicated immediately that he was not well. We had quite a shock because he has lost weight and looks poorly. 

Without going into detail, I eventually persuaded (insisted) him that he should see GP and ask for referral to neurologist urgently. Amazingly they were given an appointment this afternoon. Frustratingly the GP, new to them, did not seem concerned, told them he had only 10 minutes to see them ("I am only allowed 10 minutes for each patient") and sent him away with no thought of doing more and nothing resolved.

To say that I am livid is putting it mildly. I am incandescent with rage. I'm glad to say that they are following things up tomorrow.

After lunch, we went to visit Sister Mary Baptist at the Convent of Mercy in Sunderland. She was not well enough to travel to see us when the other nuns came in the summer. Sisters Francis and Dolores were also there this afternoon. We had such a lovely time. They are wonderful company and have much more freedom than years ago.

My blip is Sister Baptist ( who also appears on Facebook under another name!)

We are both shattered.

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