The lock and The Mill
I first visited Glasson Docks on a whim. I'd arrived an hour too early for an appointment and just went for a drive, ending up at the marina. I loved the place straightaway and subsequently brought the Minx back for a visit.
A couple of weeks ago, when we were looking for somewhere to stay for our anniversary, the Minx suggested The Mill at Conder Green, which is where we ended up, today. First off, let me say I would definitely recommend the place: the food was great, the staff were lovely and everything was very smart (if, perhaps, a little lacking in character). It just had some odd lapses, as if it had been put together for, say, a film, and no one had ever actually stayed in it.
But we had a cracking evening, perfectly relaxed and happy, with laughs and chat here and there. Absolutely fitting for our sixth anniversary. (This was the view from the window in our room: lock 6!)
-13.6 kgs
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Reading: 'The Liars' Gospel' by Naomi Alderman
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