Long day. Early start, lots of driving through the dark and then a stunning red sky dawn over northern France. A very happy couple of hours were spent in the Aquarium at Boulogne. Here’s part of the Deep Sea tank, with sharks, rays and all manner of other fish. Elsewhere sea lions frolicked, penguins preened and clown fish hid in anemones.
Off then for the short drive to the tunnel, and the long passport queue (perhaps they’re easing us in gently to how the world will be post-Brexit?) that made us miss our booked tunnel slot - giving me an anxious time wondering if we would make our train at Folkestone.
We did in the end and had a fairly uneventful journey up to Newcastle. Sadly the car hire had decided against giving me the spacious powerful car I had ordered, and instead have allocated me an underpowered sewing machine on wheels. Only room for two tiny cases in the boot - heaven knows how we will fit Mr B in the car too at the weekend.
But back through the howling gale to Mam and Dad’s for tea, shepherds pie, and sleep.
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