......your hi-top sneakers.....

Charlotte's latest present from Grandad.

Woke up at 4.00 this morning....no idea why....the alarm was set for 7.00.......and I hadn't gone to bed until after midnight.

It was raining....... a lot.

Picked Shaun up at 8.oo....it was still raining a lot.

Arrived at the venue at 8.15....it was still raining.....a lot.

Drew for pegs at 9.00 .......still raining........ even more.

Match started at 10.00........it stopped raining.

11.00......it started raining again.

1.00 it stopped raining.....the Sun came out....it got very windy and cold.

Match finished at 3.00.......I came 5th.....but I did catch 10 small carp and a couple of good bream.

Dropped Shaun off and got home for 4.10.......the S & H , YH and Charlie were here....it started raining again.

Roast pork with all the trimmings,,,,,,sticky toffee pudding.......Charlie off to bed....it's still raining.

Not going out tonight as D and B are otherwise engaged.......good job really....as it looks like it's going to rain all night.

YH is coming to work with me tomorrow to shadow a pupil......that might be an eye opener for her.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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