Claartje's Fotsen

By Claartje

Oh kom er eens kijken...

... wat er in mijn schoentje zit

Records show that since 1427 people in the city of Utrecht left a shoe in the St. Nicholas Church on the 5th of December, Sinterklaas evening. Rich Utrecht put some goods in the shoes and the proceeds were distributed among the poor on 6 December, the official death of Saint Nicholas.

Today, children put their shoes near the fireplace nearly from the moment Sinterklaas has arrived in the country. This can be evenry evening or, once or twice a week (it depend on how much money the family has to spend, really). The story goes that Sinterklaas and his helper, Black Piet climb through the chimney and leave candy and small gifts in the shoes.

This can be repeated until Sinterklaas evening, after which event Sinterklaas and his helpers leave the country again, not to return for another year.

from: sinterklaasweetjes

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