Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

If feet could talk ...

... what would they say?

One of those things that float through your mind when waiting for a very delayed train. My half hour journey to work took an hour and a half due to signalling problems in Surbiton. It’s always Surbiton, I don’t know why; maybe some commuter on his deathbed will mutter "sod Surbiton"in much the way that George III said "bugger Bognor’ when gouty and ill. Of course I am of that generation that still has erotic fantasies of Felicity Kendall in The Good Life when this particular suburb is mentioned. Difficult to believe now.

I am having minor steroid withdrawal issues now that I am near the end of the tapered dose. Not unusual. Headaches and fatigue. Work was okay despite that (once I got there). And The Dizzle and I had a nice twenty minute walk in the sunshine at the end of the day...without any complaints from the feet ...

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