Tales of a bedbound mum

By Bedbound

24 hrs

I didn't get to blip yesterday because what ever connects my brain and arms together decided to fall asleep and so I had yet another day of paralysis. But by lunchtime today they started working again and now there still heavy bit working.

We're still trying to work out a plan for how I take my meds during such times however.. Council policy and all that means the carers can't put the meds in my mouth so if S isn't in I can't have my meds...

A and I have started to read dickens Christmas carol I have a heirloom library edition with some beautiful drawings by William littlewood. I wonder if he is related to the Liverpool family..

The road outside is still muddy. One of my carers complained about it.. I just suggested she phone her office:-) after all how is S meant to get rid of a load of mud, after the mud slide on Friday..

A thought she would be starting her advent calendar tomorrow a few more days till December yet.

Oh and the exciting thing today.. I got to look out the window. Carers took the bed to other side of the room and drew curtains back for me on lunch call as the light wasn't too bright and I got to look at the mountains and the sheep and the river from my bed propped up... It felt good especially as the last few days the cabin fever has returned.

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