Wood's adventures

By Pippilongstock

there's a metaphor somewhere

for the end of holidays. I'll point the car south tomorrow, although thankfully my Dad is doing the first third of the journey with us, the remaining six hours will be for the boys and I to navigate. It was good on the way up, so I am feeling optimistic, but aware that it is always easier heading to holiday rather than away from it. 

We've had wall to wall mizzle to heavy rain all week, most views haven't materialised from the mist. The bonus is that when coming here is to see parents/grandparents, that it doesn't really matter because we will be here again.

If only it were closer. And with that, tears prick my eyes and the metaphor is complete. 

TWW assesses weather the water is too deep. Maybe I expressed my opinion on that too soon, as I think he would have worked it out himself...

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