Meeting the BFG

Another day, another load of activities planned - half term is certainly never dull that’s for sure!

After a stop off at our usual ABC to catch up with the gossip we headed to Wantage and the museum there for their Roald Dahl activity day. We made some great Dahl inspired bags did some exploring and then headed to Miss Trunchbull’s scary school session in the auditorium. C was not impressed and found her v scary, R on the other hand brazened it out and when asked ‘name, girl?!’ she stood up and barked ‘Rosie’ right back at Miss T!!! We then met the BFG who was much more kindly, with his big ears and long gold trumpet - he blew us some good dreams and caught one from the top of my head!!

Nice lunch in the museum cafe before heading back home for a quiet pre-tea movie.

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