
Great nite out last nite - left at 8 - melody awake - left Caths 11.30 after wine and my homemade blackberry shots :) had a boogie in union rooms and in at 3.30 - drank loads feel fine :D
Melody fell asleep with mike 9.15 :) yay! Freedom for mummy!
Today I took Melody to the park this am before the rain started - and then home for bacon butties and long 2.5 hr naps all round - then we visited mikes dad, grandad - he said we weren't allowed to visit harry (mikes grandad) he's been put in a home - mike just accepted this but hes not happy - he also said for us not to go round Xmas day ?! Mikes family are strange at times..
Then home - melody piled up cushions and dived off the sofa on to them! No fear - apart from the wind - which she was ok with today!

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