Unlock the Mind

By dennysaur

Scrambled up trees

Walking in the park with kansh.
and squirrel shooting.
and oasis.
and being in the wild habitat.
and robin food.
and breathing the frosty air.

Like iris was the gift of guilt free. See, the point was no obligation. I place low enough. Expectation was intertwined and so it all unravels now. It's okay though because I'll never see you anyway. And the results are in. However nothing was unexpected. Maybe then can we pick up the right piece and move. So I'm letting go, slowly. But for now I want to say impractical and pointless.
In short. we are the kind of friends that can spend a long time a way and still be where we left off last because where we left off is pretty close to zero anyway and you're okay with that. And it is impossible to get closer to you this far away. I'm still looking for a reason to try.

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