African .....
..... Violet.
I've had this one for about 3 years now , this is the third flowering this year. It seems to like my kitchen window sill but they sometimes have a longer life cycle than mine do.
It has been a busy day , but honestly I've had a whole morning having coffee and chats at the garden centre with a friend. I can go for months and months without seeing anyone then suddenly it's all go --- just like waiting for a bus I guess!! However it was great, I then had to shop , go to the hairdressers and on returning home make a trifle ready for the fund raising dinner that KJD & the Rev are hosting for Kidney Research. So this is the only blip I've taken today , and just in time hey!!
Grateful ..... for a chance to sit down --- ha ha ---- cos ' I've been doing this most of the day.
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