Shaken, not stirred...

By NeonPlumMartini

Wasps and bees and life-risking... Oh my...

Not a very poetic ring to it.

I'm one of those people who has an anaphalactic reaction to both bees and wasps (well, the toxins from their stings, anyway), and generally the meer sight of one will send me into a panic, or running the other way (clutching my epi-pen to be safe).

On the way home from doing the afternoon school run with the boy, he points up at the power pole outside our place, and curiously asks "what are those... those... THINGS? They're huge!"...
A swarm of wasps has decided to set up home inside a hollow of the pole. Marvellous. We both panic. But, for some reason, once we're inside, I grab my camera, stick the big lens on, and try to get a photo from a relatively safe distance. One mediocre photo, and I was outta there.

Walking back up the path, there's a lone bee collecting pollen from some bottle brush.
So naturally, I take a photo.

When I get back inside, I realise I didn't take my epi-pen out with me.

Todays blip brought to you by insanity.

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