The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

I have a little shadow...

Afternoon light on Gloucester station, as seen through a train window. Gloucester station, incidentally, has the longest platforms of any UK station. Put that in your pub quiz notebook...

I went to Cheltenham station this morning (via Gloucester) and from there I was driven to Thurcaston, Leics, for a meeting, followed by a pub lunch. It was fun, but I was remarkably tired on the way back, fighting the urge to fall asleep.

By the time I actually got home, about 6pm, I was only fit for sleep. The head cold has not gone away.

Tomorrow I have an outdoor card stall. The weather is tipped to be 2 degrees at 8 am. Hot chocolate (with frothed coconut 'milk)' on tap would be helpful. The bacon butty man has upped and left the market, leaving a huge space in our hearts and bellies.

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