Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Verge of Yellow

Quick post, as I need to get to bed. Terrible night's sleep last night, as the young master woke, and (as best I can reconstruct events) went to get up, stepping into his box of toy cars, that he had left beside the bed after playing - and scared himself silly. So he was in with us from midnight, and I woke very very often. :-/

I'd be in bed now, only I've just finished watching Total Recall (the 1990 original) "with" a twitter friend and his daughter who live in Brisbane. We got our DVD players synchronised, and passed remarks about the movie over twitter. He also had the rather dubious benefit of having watched the 2012 remake with his daughter yesterday, so comparisons (without exception in the favour of 1990) were flying regularly.

Still, as much as the 1990 film is truly excellent, the Philip K Dick short story on which it is based (We Can Remember it for You Wholesale) is even better, and I recommend you read it.

Right. This? I took this on the walk to work. Took two photos, deleted one, nothing else today. I quite like it.

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