
By Igor

extreme domestic bliss

Anniemay’s been in the kitchen all morning.  She’s decided I need ‘feeding up’.

A watermelon, a mango and a couple of kiwifruits have already been dispatched in chunks to the fridge and there’s a squash roasting in the oven.  Now she’s started on the veg.  

She’s already poached a chicken to make chicken broth and while I have some of the chicken for lunch, she’s chopping vegetables to add to the broth for soups (various) and a risotto for tonight. 

I try to keep myself out of the way as I sneak this picture - she’s already had two coffees and her knife is whirring a little too close for comfort.

I don’t know where she gets her energy from (apart from the coffee - and I can live with the slightly bulging eyes) - because in addition to all this, she’s knocked up a fruit cake for my afternoon tea.  Which I'm going to have when I've posted this.

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