My Mini Adventure

By JJ46

Tricky day

I had a message from N this morning while I was at the supermarket to say that L had had a big fall at the playground.

We took her to A&E.

The triage doctor examined her whilst she was quite distressed and dosed her up on calpol and nurofen which sent her off to sleep for an hour.

Bless her, L was so brave even when she was crying over having her arm positioned for the x-rays. (Even flamingo got a sticker.)

Thankfully there are no obvious fractures but she has a small “fat pad” just above her elbow which apparently indicates a possible bone trauma. We’re to keep a close eye on her, keep up the painkillers and keep her in a sling for a few days.

There have been tears today... from all three of us at one point or another.

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