Worse for Wear
It's tough being an angel for a century...
I left my friends' this morning in pouring rain and the driving was bumper to bumper so I took a detour to visit a cemetery that I rarely get to see due to the distance from home. It has loads of statuary but because of the weather I did a quick drive through to take a few shots. Although, there was tons of colour to use as a backdrop for the statues, I did like this one as the lichens gave her such character (or so I think).
I managed to get a twig caught in my wheel and had to go forward and reverse several times before it dislodged...and the my low pressure light came on. Sigh..... I did check the air pressure and nothing showed? I am thinking it is only the sensor but now I have to take the car in this week to be checked. Blah.
Came home to a load of leaves on my front lawn!! Nothing like high winds and rain to convince the leaves to fall... I must say that I think there were angels watching over me as I had great weather on all the days I needed it for photos : ))
So bring it, Mother Nature!!
I hope you are having a splendid weekend : ))
D x
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