Sorting out the Halloween stuff

Hoping to decorate the porch tomorrow, then get a pumpkin on Monday to hollow out.

It's been a bitterly cold day today and it was raining this morning when we took the dogs out, I was glad to get home.

Last night was Talent Night at the Friday Feeling, all the kids did well, our Grace (Granddaughter aged 7) took her keyboard and played Ode to Joy which she did so well , It was only her 2nd week there and she was so nervous , Caitlin sat on the floor next to her when she played it first time then she sat back on her chair and Pat said to Grace now play it again and she did.  Pat the leader even mentioned how good she was to Mark when he came for her. I took a movie of her for her mum and dad I wish I could have posted it on here, and I don't know how to do links.

Hope you are all having a good weekend. Keep warm.

PS sorry to hear about the helicopter crash in Leicester hope it's not as bad as it seems, but I fear it will be.

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