Not a surprise
When I left for the library this morning, the news was reporting that four people in a synagogue had been killed by the crazed gunman in Pittsburgh. By the time I got home again, the number was up to eleven and the shooter, still alive, was in the custody of the police.
As much of a shock as this is, it came as no surprise. Since Trump was inaugurated, there has been a sharp increase in incidents of anti-Semitism in this country, At the same time, incidents have been increasing all over Europe as well. After the Holocaust, we said "never again," but I have always known that it could so easily happen again.
Mr. Trump says that the trouble would have been averted if there had been guns at the disposal of the worshipers! It certainly doesn't mean we have to do anything about making guns harder to get, so these lunatics can't simply go out and start shooting. It certainly doesn't mean that those in power should model civility and respect for all citizens.
Jews can never be complacent, because there is always another attack. A number of years ago a gunman entered the offices of the Jewish Federation here in Seattle and gunned down employees, not all of whom were Jews. Again, a shock but no real surprise.
The candle in this photo is a yahrtzeit candle, which we burn each year on the anniversary of the death of a loved one. It seemed appropriate to blip it along with some of the text the worshipers might have been reading when their peace was shattered.
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