Ageing well

So we gained an hour last night - a bonus for those of us of a certain age! 
By the year 2050, the number of older people on the planet will have doubled from today's total to 2 billion. Today, in this place I call home, 20% of our population are over 60, 15% over 65 and 2% over 85.
In Karamoja,  Uganda, where I worked for a few years, age was respected, but I am afraid that such a view is rarely evidenced here.
I love growing older and in a few weeks I will move from the 20% to the 15% group mentioned above. I have a responsibility to be insightful as society moves on but never telling others "you wouldn't get away with that in my day!" 
Old age is a gift for all not just us "oldies" - so let's share it wisely.

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