wander, stumble, wonder

By imo_weg

I'm thankful

26 on the 26th at number 26. It's the number of the day. :)

I'm generally not prone to homesickness, I keep busy, settle quickly, don't dwell on what's not there, but I will admit I approach birthdays overseas with a little trepidation. They're the time when everyone 'back home' reminds you of their existence, when parcels and letters and cards arrive according to the whims of the postal system, when there's a million skype and facetime calls covering the distance to the other side of the world. Birthdays always remind you of where you aren't, and the more you travel, the more you are somewhere where people you love aren't. So birthdays become a day when the distance seems greater, but it would be too easy to let them be a time of impossible wishes.

Birthdays are the time to be grateful - to my wonderful and supportive parents who have always encouraged me to do what I love, and follow it to do things I'll enjoy doing. After talking to a lot of Chinese students who are studying deeply practical courses but would often love to study history/literature/art, I have come to appreciate even more the complete disregard for wealth and fortune they have granted me. To follow your passions rather than a path of (almost) guaranteed employment has its own risks, but there is freedom in seeking to do what is right rather than what is secure. So thank you Mum and Dad for not teaching me about fortunes, and for always encouraging my ideas.

And thank you to my friends back home who I know miss me, and occasionally tell me to come home, but also encourage whatever crazy nerdy adventure I may be doing. For your prayers when things get tough, when there are times for celebrations. For hours of skype early in the morning or late at night. The older we get, the further apart we move, but our friendships remain just as close, and for that I thank you.

To all my friends over here I thank you for welcoming a crazy Australian to your land. I forget my inside voice when I get excited, I don't always filter my thoughts as much as I should, but you haven't run away. For cups of tea and comfortable silence. I pray that our friendship will grow so that I will always notice your absence where ever we may be in the world.

And to all you others who come across these rambling thoughts, thank you for caring (or being nosy) enough to make it this far.

I'm only one day older, but heres to a brand new year. May every day for each and everyone one of us be a blessing, full of thankfulness and joy.

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