Got Lucky

Off he went, out over the ocean. We watched until he was just a dot in the sky. Looked like he was headed all the way to Monterey. I'm guessing it's some kind of hawk...

I am back into, that intriguing time-suck. This time I have a paid membership that gives me access to records from Europe, perhaps the same documents my aunt painstakingly sought out in correspondence with parish priests many many pre-internet years ago. Here I am, just a pebble in a pond, with ripples going further and further out. I'm fascinated with all this information, although I'm not sure where this is all headed. What does it mean that I may have cousins I never heard of? I already have a bunch that I know, but we aren't really in contact even though we knew each other as children. I'm just following threads to see where they go.

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