
By NellieD

Guardian of the golf balls

I've been volunteering from home today - which is so much warmer than being in the cold basement of the food bank.

They've asked me to produce a booklet and I have 2 weeks to get it finished.  You know what it's like when you're trying to write page after page of information and there's an interruption every 30 minutes.  We decided it would be a better use of my time if I worked on it from home.  It's currently 26 pages long so I certainly put the time in today, only stopping to wash up, have my lunch and take my blip.

I didn't know what to take today as I hadn't planned on leaving the house as I had more typing to get back to! 

Our gardener had only just gone and when he's here, he's forever picking up the husband's golf balls. He obviously hits a lot of wayward shots as the gardener (his friend from the golf club) finds them in the bushes and drops them in the plant pot for him.

Mabel didn't seem too unhappy to share her home with all those golf balls. When I'm sat on the sofa surrounded by golf balls as he practises his putting on the carpet, I have to to say I'm certainly not as smiley as Mabel!!

Quote for today:
The most important shot in golf is the next one.
- Ben Hogan

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