Did 3 new things today

Went to the V&A Museum in Dundee. Quite frankly it was a huge disappointment in many ways.

The building itself is quite impressive but not very attractive. As a signature bit of architecture on the river front it would work quite well but has been hidden and dwarfed by two huge hotels. Bit of a gaff by the town planners there.

Inside, the building has a huge proportion of dead space, the two display galleries only occupy about 20%, the rest is just unusable emptiness.

The cafe is not attractive just some tables along the edge of the huge ground floor concourse (and your hot beverage comes in paper cups (not a fan). The whole museum honks of hot cheese from the cafe panini toasters.

The current display (Scottish design) is as dull as ditch water. I'm not just griping, it really is monumentally dull. It is also very dingy, the low lighting means you struggle to see the displays and almost impossible to read the descriptive labels.

Altogether a bit of a let down. The highlight of the place was a deco poster book in one of the shops.

Onto lunch. The Tony Macaroni chain, never been in one before. It was perfectly acceptable. Huge plate of good food for a fiver! Bargain. Staff were very nice too. I opted for their signature dish “Tony Macaroni Cheese, Traditional macaroni cheese with an Italian twist in our delicious creamy 4 cheese sauce made with brie, gorgonzola, parmesan and cheddar cheese. £4.95” which I can report was indeed very cheesy. The pasta however was not macaroni! More a conchiglie. Sold a pup, but it was scoffed never the less.

Then on to the Dundee Science Museum. Very entertaining. I wandered straight in and played with all the interactive stuff. It wasn't until leaving I noticed it was a pay to get in venue, a sort of educational shoplifting!. That'll be another page added to my bulging interpol file.

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