I won't back down
A long day... here I am just picking Bex up at 9.30pm after 10am to 8pm in the office, and just one sale... Yesterday was better, with £2500 of sales - amazing how days of the same literal length seem to last such different lengths if you sell / don't sell...
At least the week will be a bit broken up for me, with tastings tomorrow night and working from Birmingham office Thursday and Friday, and tastings that way Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday... Need to sell £19K in the next month to win trip to Tenerife... wonder if I'll make it...
Tom Petty has provided a couple of songs marking significant moments in my life: Into the Great Wide Open was playing on my journey over the Pennines on the A66 from Darlington to Cumbria to begin my new life there in 2007... and then last year I remember being moved to tears by this song one day on the way to work at the toughest of low times job-wise as I "set my jaw" to making sure this job worked for me, in the face of bullying and low sales figures and a failure of a "personal life"... Happy to say that feels a lifetime ago now (:
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