Fright Night!

Today has been somewhat unusual at work, after having a telephone call from a television production company asking if we had a room they could rent to do some filming as they had been let down at very short notice.   It's not every day that you have a film crew at work, and the crew themselves were very nice, and it made it quite an interesting day.  Needless to say, I can't tell you who or what they were filming, all I will say is that this person was rude, loud and very inconsiderate with a total disrespect for the fact that we had patients in the clinic.  Anyway, they did their filming and left at lunch time, and normality resumed.

As it's Halloween, I wanted to get some props to do a photoshoot with the boys when I got home from work, so I borrowed this skeleton from work, and went out at lunch time to look for something to make the boys an outfit.  I found an adult's halloween dress reduced to £5 so I bought it to use the material and made the boys matching capes - they weren't very impressed, until they knew they'd get treats for posing, well it is trick or treat afterall!

My SOBER for October comes to an end tonight, and I'm pleased to say that I've stuck to it and not had a single alcoholic drink for 31 days,  I've also been 'clean eating' and I've lost 5kgs (11.25lbs) in total.  I'm really proud of myself for doing it, and although I will now allow myself to have a drink, it'll be in moderation as I'd still like to lose more weight.  Blip friend Pauline has done it with me, so well done to her too!

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