Halloween dragon
The kids excelled themselves with pumpkin carving this year. Mainly I’m happy because I was able to be elsewhere while it was happening. In all the scariness of the pumpkins (toothpick teeth, erupting ‘brains’) I think TallGirl’s back-of-pumpkin dragon on a bed of fire is my fave.
And my kids sensibly agreed after the trick or treating round that our sweets were the best in the neighbourhood (bravo pound shop and M&S). (They were best.)
Earlier, work, and successful foraging. Earlier still, trip to the airport with Mr B. Later, the sad Dr Greene ER episodes and, as a result, I didn’t get the mincemeat started. Tomorrow I MUST build a green-ish house. (Plastic, therefore not properly green...) Also MUST get someone to install a stove in my office as I can’t get the lid off the paraffin to fill the mobile stove.
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