this lovely life

By kellyrenee


I am medicated. Fighting off the last few days of a sinus issue, so I decided to get myself some Sudafed PM instead of trying to tough it out medication free, which is the stupidest thing ever but for some reason my typical path. Took the Sudafed and then had a few sips of wine... really, not that much, but clearly you aren't supposed to mix the two because I started to fall asleep sitting up. David tucked me into bed and I was all cozy and ready for a good night's sleep when I realized I hadn't blipped. Hadn't even taken one photo the whole live-long day, so I grabbed my always-handy cell phone and snapped a quick (although somewhat faked) shot. I believe you would call this a desperate blip. I feel as though I've had a few of those lately, and for that, I apologize.

I made a promise to myself that I would take one photo a day for 365 days and since January 6th on flickr and since January 11th here on, I've posted one photo every single day. I found blipfoto after I'd already started the 365 project on flickr, and I didn't have the heart to lose those first few days and so I started doing both. I know it seems odd, but I guess I just want to keep them separate for some reason. For awhile I thought I was doing it because one was for the sake of creativity and the other was for keeping a promise to myself, and then I got confused about which is which. Sometimes I use the same photo for both, but I usually try to post two different photos. I don't know why I'm doing it this way, really. I just like how they both feel. They both feel good. I like the feedback I get here and I like the format on flickr. The bad thing is that after 200 photos, flickr will begin deleting the older photos unless you pay for an upgraded membership. It's cheap, but if I had realized that before I started, I wouldn't have started with flickr. Well, maybe I would have. I didn't know blipfoto existed then.

Anyway, here is my flickr 365 project for those who care to peruse.

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