The story so far...


Making noise!

Today was a day of catching up with some of cam's little friends. William Dragon and Jasper brought their mummies round this morning so they could play with cam and the mummies could have coffee and cake. The boys played wonderfully and Cam enjoyed showing William how to jump in the jumperoo.
In the afternoon we met up with CJ, Max and their mummies and took a trip to Windsor. After having a yummy lunch and more cake we headed for a wonder round the shops before heading home for dinner. Once finished it was time to try and teach cam a new trick: banging a wooden spoon on one of mummy's pans. At first cam thought the spoon meant he was going to get lots more food but after mummy showed him the loud noise he could make he had lots of fun copying in between bouts of watching tv, throwing the spoon across the room and using both the pan and spoon as a teething accessory. May take some more practice to master the skill but it is still fun watching him learn and develop!

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