Rainy Day in Oregon

By jerispics

Bomb Scare

A little bit of excitement while at the beauty parlor today. I was waiting for my friend to get her hair cut and colored and saw some commotion going on in the parking lot. Police line tape, lots of police cars people standing around and a bomb squad van! Notice the man in his green bomb suit. I also saw a man in handcuffs. At first we thought there was 'just' a robbery going on, but the bomb squad showing up, took that up a notch or two! Watched the bomb suit guy walk towards the bank but couldn't see if he went in or not. He came back about 5 minutes later without anything. But then a while later I saw the bomb robot near this truck. We left so I don't know how it turned out. Watched the news on TV for a little while this evening but didn't see it on there. Maybe there will be something about it in the newspaper tomorrow.
Found something online about it: http://www.statesmanjournal.com/

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