Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey

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Welcome to my first iPhone pics going straight to Blip as the other snaps were iPad shots. Oh no.

I realised as I was sitting, stroking Reuben's soft curls endlessly this morning that this has been a bad month for Blipping and longed to return. Ironically, the images do exist, along with every other Blip I've missed.

November has always been a ferocious month for me, now adding Thanksgiving in recent years to my birthday, Callum's birthday, family shoots in time for Christmas, my Groupon clients, the entire wedding edits, the bat mitzvah and our trips to Florida and San Francisco into the equation has made this year's a little unsustainable in terms of recording our own lives. I can never recall such a crazy time.

Something had to give and that was Blip. I've never wanted this to be a journey of snaps (though I might add judging by today's quickie I could be turning) and so I'd rather post nothing at all unless I'm entirely committed to making something worthy of sharing.

That said, Blip was also an extension of my beloved blog of the boys, that faithful friend with the once green eyes as it longed for the daily highlight of Blip. But they are foils to each other: recording the daily grind with I hope a sprinkling of humor and beauty and the wider stories I can create on the blog.

So where did all this navel gazing come from? My lovely Reuben was sick upon returning from the Grove last night, through the night and into this morning. Since I barely left his side for those hours, there were a lot of ideas dancing about in my head.

As ever, I also apologize for not visiting journals at this time, nor indeed for quite a while. I hope I don't offend anyone in that respect, because I know how good it feels to get visits, to feel that I'm not just chatting to myself, something I do rather a lot.

As ever 2, I'm employing delaying tactics on getting done what I need to right now. Oh no...

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