Not quite a double

Rainbow, I just love them they are so magical the colors
are wonderful too, so it's a rainy sunny day up here.
Me and my girlies went to see a psychic last night he was
very good, and we all came away feeling very positive and
a bit thoughful for some. He and I spoke about the ghost
I have in this house which was very interesting, a little
girl died in this house over 50 years ago, lots and lots have
happened to me, like a cold puff of air in my face when
I.m sleeping, to seeing things but in such a flash I can't
make out what it is, anyhoo I told him heaps of other
stuff and he thought the child needed some motherly love
I had a tear in my eye when I thought of that, so I am going
to speak to her from now on, so if your passing and hear
me you will know that's it silly ole Lemmy :-)))))))))))))

Oh and thanks to PappaG for explaining talk the hind legs off
a Donkey !!!
Hope your all having a good day.

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