Basking in the Sun
I had it all planned: a trip to the supermarket for the weekly shop, morning coffee, then a quick visit to Shepherd's Meadows for a walk and some bird hunting (with camera), then home for a delicious lunch of homemade soup.
The plans fell at the first hurdle - apart from slow traffic en route (not totally unexpected) the supermarket was heaving with fractious children and trollies heading in all directions - not helped by the the large number of "personal shoppers" doing the shopping for the possibly more sensible online shoppers. By the time the shopping was done, I'd missed morning coffee, and as it was almost lunchtime I also gave Shepherd's Meadow a miss (the soup was too good to waste - and it tasted wonderful).
So instead you have got a grab shot out of the back door of the duck watching over my pond, and basking in the afternoon sun.
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