What a miserable day, dull and wet all day. Luckily got my blip when this little squirrel came for a peanut butter sandwich. What made my day was my other visitor (in extras), my little blackbird with the bad leg. I have not seen her since the end of August and just thought she had died. Apart from her poor leg, she is looking wonderful.
Dreading tonight as just across the road from me there is going to be a big firework display, and Daisy has never bothered with them, however this year she is very scared.
Rain just went off an hour ago and I at last got the dogs out for a long walk, hope it settles them for the bangs tonight.
Treated myself to an early Christmas present, a new camera. It is a Canon Power Shot SX60HS, so really looking forward to trying it out. Hope it is not wet tomorrow.
Many thanks for your visit, and have a lovely weekend.

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