Craig's Journal

By Fishingplus

Birthday Breakfast

Superfood pancakes for me and Avocado toast with hummus for Heather. A healthy way to start off my birthday! My cousin, who is an excellent writer, is encouraging me to write poetry. Having not done so for years and years, it is a bit intimidating. But for what it is worth, here is the poem I wrote for my birthday today:

If Only I Knew
When could I know?
How do I know?
When did I know?
What do I know?
For sure
I want to know…don’t I?
I think to see the end from the beginning, is what I really want
To know the outcomes, to really understand my actions,
The consequences
But, if I knew, for sure
Would I try?
Would I venture?
Would I persevere?
Would I now be someone else
Living in my shell
Pretending to be me
Seeing with different eyes
The universe has beginnings I am told
And ends, I suppose
And the world is full of hints
Clues through the ages
Of love and hope
Left as faint footprints for us to see and find
And trace
Maybe it is not the knowing
But the doing
Taking the next step
In the faint light we have
I think it is enough
I think that is faith
By Craig Norris

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