Four in a door

We had an early start to the day, but a decent night!! Nate's definitely doing sooo much better on the sleep front, thankfully!
We spent the morning at Ibiza's own Stonehenge. A stone sculpture (see extra) commissioned by Guy Lalibert, the owner of Cirque de Soleil. He lives at the top of this land. As part of this piece, there are doorways you can walk through that frame different aspects of the view (the coast looking down to Es Vedra)...obviously popular for pics!! We've wanted to come see this for ages, so I'm glad we finally made's not easy to find as it's not been on any maps until extremely recently. 
This afternoon our friend Camilla popped over for a cup of tea and catch up - wonderful as ever to spend time with her.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Asha and Danny forgoing their Daddy/daughter swim so we could spend time as a 4.
2) Watching Asha enjoy the great outdoors.
3) A crazy decadent tea of steak...amaaaaazing.

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