Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

My plan wasn't to join my photo friends for a fika today, but when I was reminded of it I thought: Ok, why not? 
I'm happy I went. :) We had a great time at the café and then some of us had company to visit a photo exhibition. We were lucky enough to find the photographer there and had a long nice chat with him. I liked his photos a lot and found several favourites. His name is Frank Watson and if you're interested this is his home page.
Afterwards we walked back to the city center. And, as usual with photographers in a group, there were lots of photos taken and many conversations unfinished when nice views, buildings and other stuff came along... At one point I turned around and one friend had her camera pointing at one direction, and a further back my other friend had her camera pointed in another direction. I couldn't help but laugh. :D 
The renovation of our University main building is almost finished, so I took a shot of - what I think - is one of Uppsalas most beautiful buildings. We had beautiful weather today and too high temperatures to be normal for November...

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