
By Kardimomma

Nutmeg dust

This is the name of my true colour! Or near as damn it, true colour...

Today Friday Fun met at B&Q to discover our true colours. This exercise was inspired by the American comedian Sam Brown, who has a funny sketch where he describes a conversation with an ignorant white woman and he tells her that he's not black. He'd been to the hardware store (American) and looked at the little paint samples and he'd discovered that he was in fact a shade called ' chocolate indulgence'! (See: https://www.facebook.com/DryBarComedy/videos/1802077279877689/ )

He now writes this on all official paperwork that asks his colour.

We loved this idea and thought we'd do the same. Nutmeg dust is so much better than white! My children were shades of 'creamy latte' and 'pesant bread'... The latter causing a lot of mirth.

What's your true colour?

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