Hossing (Day 1278)

The plan today was that I would be catching a ferry across to one of the other islands to spend the week fitting a new boiler and upgrading a central heating system. The work will be carried out by myself and Phil who runs a firm supplying and fitting biomass boilers. Unfortunately, the ferry Phil was due to catch to get him to Orkney was cancelled and his delayed arrival has meant that we will not be heading to Sanday until tomorrow morning. 
With a bit more time to play with today, my beautiful wife and I got up a bit late, and after the morning woofer wander, made our way across to Stromness to do a bit of hossing. It is a while since I have been out for a ride, but with a bit of instruction from HV, I made less of a hash of it than last time. I even managed a bit of a trot. It seemed only right to get an HV style shot of the view between Billy's lugs. Apparently we rode about 5km and it was all fairly un-eventful and reasonably enjoyable. I could probably have done without being kicked in the guts by Beau once we were back at the yard, but these things happen I suppose.
Back at home, we had a quick lunch then took the woofers to Lyde for a scamper about. Sigyn seemed to enjoy herself in the heather and the sunshine (see extra).
The rest of the day has been spent organising stuff for an early departure tomorrow and getting some supplies for the week away.
Tomorrow's blip will probably be a shot from the back of the ferry...

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