Secret Path

Went for a stroll this afternoon coming off a regular route and followed paths as yet untrod by me. It was wonderfully quiet until I disturbed the pheasants who in turn disturbed the partridges and the Roe deer and the muntjac deer and lots of other small brown things with feathers too quick for me to name.
I found this slightly sunken path between two hedges and followed it until it petered out at an unmade road. I have found similar on the South Downs and in Dorset I think.
Retracing my steps I met the first person I had seen for over an hour. Unfortunately he was Bob the Gamekeeper and he told me I was seriously trespassing. He did it very nicely, with a smile on his face all the time, but made it totally clear I should not be where I was or anywhere near where I was. Indeed I was in the wrong from the moment I left the road at the start of the stroll.
Apologies given and accepted he went on his way ( feeding the birds) and I went directly back to the road and then home.Bob handled this so well, telling me bits and pieces about the farm and the landscape, pointing out the oldest hedge on the estate that was also the parish boundary, it made the afternoon walk even better. I won't be going that way again though.

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